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No Date Title
1 May 12, 2021 MERCED-Initiatives on OACD (Open Access of Commercial Databases)
2 December 04, 2020 MERCED-Initiatives on PDF E-Books
3 October 11, 2020 MERCED-Initiatives on COVID19 Pandemic : an Online Resource Database by Country and Technical Guidance
4 October 09, 2020 MERCED - I (Mindanao Educational Resources for Curricular Enhancement and Development - Initiatives)
5 October 08, 2020 MERCED - Initiatives on FOCRAP (Free and Open Content and Resources for Academic Purposes)
6 October 03, 2020 MERCED-Initiatives on OER (Open Educational Resources)
7 September 05, 2019 ALARM : the UP Mindanao Library System
8 August 17, 2010 Follow us on
9 March 18, 2020 UP Mindanao Library System