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CSM-gd3486 c.2 QH430 K57 1997 Concepts of genetics Klug, William S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3487 QP 34.5 T67 2006 Principles of anatomy and physiology Tortora, Gerard J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3488 QH308.2 S72 2009 Biology : the unity and diversity of life UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3489 QA 39.2 S74 2002 Precalculus: mathematics for calculus Stewart, James UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3490 QA276.12 W36 1997 c.7 Introduction to statistics Walpole, Ronald E. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3491 TJ219 H65 1984 Design of pneumatic and fluidic control systems Holbrook, Edward L. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3494 QA152.2 B44 2005 Beginning algebra Hutchison, Donald UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3500 QR41.2 B88 1995 Microbiology for the health sciences Burton, Gwendolyn R. W. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3509 BF713 B463 1994 The developing person through the life span Berger, Kathleen Stassen. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3510 QD31.2 K73 2005 c.2 Study guide general chemistry Krannich, Larry K. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3511 QD31.3 C44 2003 Chemistry UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3512 QD33 S55 2003 Chemistry : the molecular nature of matter and change Silberberg, Martin S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3513 TJ213 O28 1997 Modern control engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3515 G 128 B31 1993 Prentice Hall world geography Baerwald, Thomas J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3519 QA371 D432 1987 Introduction to differential equations with boundary value problems Derrick, William R. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3523 QD31.2 B48 2004 Introduction to general, organic and biochemistry Bettelheim, Frederick A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3529 QA152.2 T36 2002 Sol man Student solutions manual [for] Introductory algebra for college students Tanenbaum. Abby UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3531 QP301 K38 2000 Student guide and workbook for essentials of exercise physiology Katch, Victor L. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3533 QA39.3 T87 2002 Basic mathematics for college students Tussy, Alan S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd3537 R852 B76 1998 The ethics of biomedical research : an international perspective Brody, Baruch A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
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