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CSM-2492 T57.8 B39 2006 Nonlinear programming : theory and algorithms Bazaraa, M. S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2493 QK47 .B48 2008 Introductory botany : plants, people, and the environment Berg, Linda R. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2494 QK47 .B48 2008 Introductory botany : plants, people, and the environment Berg, Linda R. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2496 QP144.F85 F857 2011 Functional foods : concept to product UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-270 QA297 .A83 1993 c.1 Elementary numerical analysis Atkinson, Kendall E. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-374 QE28.2 .P58 1996 QE28.2 P58 1996 Physical geology : with interactive plate tectonics CD-ROM Plummer, Charles C. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-430 QH545 P4 C38 1994 Silent spring Carson, Rachel UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-575 QL807/H57 1998 Basic histology. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-645 QA76.9 A43 R34 1999 Algorithms : a functional programming approach Rabhi, Fethi. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-735 QR115 A32 1995 Food microbiology Adams, M. R. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-768 QH541 K75 2012 General ecology Krohne, David T. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-78 QH430 .R87 1996 QH430 R87 1996 Genetics Russell, Peter J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-791 QA154.2 L432 1989 College algebra Leithold, Louis. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-916 SF780.2 V48 1999 Veterinary microbiology UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-Fi-2020 QA551 C64 2004 Analytic geometry made easy Comandante, Felipe Jr. L. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-Fi-2286 SB 191 R5K58 2005 c.1 IR varieties and their impact Khush, Gurdev S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-Fi-2295 HD 9066 P5 W49 2006 Why does the Philippines import rice? : meeting the challenge of trade liberalization UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-Fi-481 354.6 P5 C675 1983 c.1 Promising fruits of the Philippines Coronel, Roberto E. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-Fi-971 QL691 P5 G85 2000 A guide to the birds of the Philippines UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-Fi-gd075 QL691 P5 G85 2000 A guide to the birds of the Philippines UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
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