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CSM-2315 QA 402.5 D578 2008 Introduction to applied optimization Diwekar, Urmila. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2316 QA 76.73 P224 B76 2008 Introduction to PHP for scientists and engineers : beyond JavaScript Brooks, David R. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2317 QA184.2 K93 2004 Linear algebra Kwak, Jin Ho UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2318 QA300 .Z67 2004 Mathematical analysis Zorich, V. A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2323 QA248 V38 2001 Set theory : an introduction Vaught, Robert L. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2324 QA9.59 S96 2007 Symbolic-numeric computation Wang, Dongming. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2325 QA76.9.A43 S55 2008 The algorithm design manual Skiena, Steven S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2326 QA76.7 .D69 2009 Principles of programming languages Dowek, Gilles. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2327 TX556.M5 B63 2009 The sensory evaluation of dairy products Clark, Stephanie, Costello, editors UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2329 QA 21 W75 2002 Writing the history of mathematics : its historical development UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2358 QA154.2 L432 1989 c.2 College algebra Leithold, Louis. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2446 TD899.F585 A78 2008 Waste management for the food industries Arvanitoyannis, Ioannis S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2471 SF250.5 D345 2003 Dairy processing improving quality UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2472 KF3875 .F67 2009 Food regulation : law, science, policy, and practice Fortin, Neal D. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2473 QA278 .X8 2009 Clustering Xu, Rui. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2475 QA303 R726 Elementary analysis : the theory of calculus Ross, Kenneth A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2490 QA164 .B464 2006 Foundations of combinatorics with applications Bender, Edward A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2491 QL362 .W33 2003 lab. man. Invertebrate zoology : a laboratory manual Wallace, Robert L. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2492 T57.8 B39 2006 Nonlinear programming : theory and algorithms Bazaraa, M. S. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-2493 QK47 .B48 2008 Introductory botany : plants, people, and the environment Berg, Linda R. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
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