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CSM-gd1849 QA76.7 N67 1991c.2 Advanced assembly language Holzner, Steven. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1899 QA76.9.D3 O44 1978 The Codasyl approach to data base management Olle, T. William. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1903 QA76.6 D44 1983 An introduction to operating systems Deitel, Harvey M. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1931 RM 216 P8 1942 Nutrition and diet therapy :a textbook of dietetics Proudfit, Miss Fairfax Throckmorton UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1932 QA76.9.D3 S943 1984 Pascal programs for data base management Swan, Tom UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1934 QA76.73 P2 L4 1979 PASCAL with style :programming proverbs Ledgard, Henry F. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1975 H62 R36 1985 Randomization and field experimentation UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2060 QD33 M43 2001 c.2 Chemistry McMurry, John. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2147 QA297 .A83 1994 Elementary numerical analysis Atkinson, Kendall E. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2213 TK5105.8885 M33 2002 Man. Macromedia Contribute 3 : deploying contribute publishing services. Negrino, Tom. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2237 QR61.7 .K54 2001 Microbiology experiments :a health science perspective Kleyn, John. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2305 QA37.2 .B44 1978 An introduction to mathematical modeling Bender, Edward A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2309 QP34.5 S727 2005 Human biology Starr, Cecie. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2317 QD261 L384 2004 Microscale operational organic chemistry : a problem-solving approach to the laboratory course Lehman, John W. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2319 c.1 QE26.2 T37 2006 c.1 Earth science Tarbuck, Edward J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2320 QE26.2 T37 2006 c.2 Earth science Tarbuck, Edward J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2322 QD261 M53 2002 c.1 Microscale and macroscale techniques in the organic laboratory UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2328 QD33.2 H86 2005 Partial solutions guide for Chemical principles Hummel, Thomas J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2329 QD33.2 Z86 2005 Complete solutions guide for Chemical principles Hummel, Thomas J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd2334 QA63 J64 2001 c.1 Problem solving strategies : crossing the river with dogs : and other mathematical adventures Johnson, Ken. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
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