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CSM-gd1004 QD33 M43 2001 c.1 Chemistry McMurry, John. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1070 HF5548.2 .O23 2001 Introduction to information systems : essentials for the internetworked E-business enterprise O.Brien, James A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd137 QB43.2 S54 1982 The physical universe : an introduction to astronomy Shu, Frank H. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1512 TA365 R49 1981 Engineering principles of acoustics : noise and vibration control Reynolds, Douglas D. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1516 QA76.5 M33 1983 Microcomputers in large organizations Madron, Thomas William UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1519 TJ153 E54 1974 Energy primer, solar, water, wind, and biofuels. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1635 TP248.23 .B5627 2004 Biotechnology : science and society at at crossroad UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1638 TP248.2 R54 1998 The biotech century : harnessing the gene and remaking the world Rifkin, Jeremy. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1654 TK5105.5 H46 1988 OSI explained : end-to-end computer communication standards Henshall, John UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1655 ZA3250.U6 N38 1996 A nation of opportunity : realizing the promise of the information superhighway. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1656 HD30.213 R69 1996 Intelligent information systems : meeting the challenge of the knowledge era Rowe, Alan J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1658 HD 30.213 B45 1995 Ins. man. Instructor's resource manual with data/solutions diskette to accompany Introduction to information systems : an end user/enterprise perspective O'Brien, James A. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1660 QA139 B63 1985 Cliffs math review for standardized tests Bobrow, Jerry. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1662 QA152.3 M353 2005 c.1 Student solutions manual for Beginning algebra by K. Elayn Martin-Gay. Garlow, John. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1663 HA29 J34 1987 Misused statistics : straight talk for twisted numbers Jaffe, Abram J. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1681 HD56.25 L39 1985 Productivity improvement manual Lawlor, Alan. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1846 QA76.8.I2594 A236 1991 IBM PC assembly language and programming Abel, Peter UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1848 QA76 Z88 1981 Introduction to computer science Zwass, Vladimir UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1849 QA76.7 N67 1991c.2 Advanced assembly language Holzner, Steven. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
CSM-gd1899 QA76.9.D3 O44 1978 The Codasyl approach to data base management Olle, T. William. UP Mindanao - College of Science and Mathematics
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